Thursday, 4 October 2012

5 ways that iBook author can change your teaching (part one)

Thought I'd better get started on this before everyone thinks up all the good ideas!

1. The first use that occurred to me would be to use this software to create a step-by-step iBook that would teach other teachers, PSA's and educators how to create their own iBooks. You could include video clips of important or complex actions.

2. Once older students were familiar with the technology, it would be a great way for them to document their experiences if they were going to miss school either because of travel, illness, or some other medical procedure. A travel iBook is fairly obvious, but an iBook about an operation or illness could tie in body systems, mapping (floor plans of a hospital or a geographical map if the procedure was done in another city).

3. Creating an iBook on a study topic would be a great way to prepare for a summative assessment. If the teacher assigned headings or chapter titles, it would guide students to review what they have learned, zero in on important points, and to identify areas where they require further teaching before they are ready to be assessed.

4. It would make a great jigsaw activity - break up a unit into small chunks and assign student experts to each section. They would become experts on that part, and create their section of the iBook with the goal of teaching the rest of their group the important points.

5. I doubt that I'll be the only one to think of it, but social stories seem to be such an obvious use for this software. Being able to embed video clips and simple quizzes would add not just accessibility but depth and explicit teaching to the simple paper format we use now. Having a video clip of students lining up, or working quietly in the library, or verbalizing how you ask someone to play would be so much more powerful. The richness of the information may make them too much for some students, but for many it seems as though it would be an amazing learning tool. Also, social stories are generally fairly straightforward, so wouldn't take too long to create.

Stay tuned for 5 more ways that iBook can change your teaching...

(Photo from

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